
Expressionism and Frank Gehry

Expressionism is an architectural movement that developed in Europe during the first decades of 20th century. It seems like Modernism and Expressionism were developed nearly in time. Somehow, in Modernism, form follow function. In the opposite way, in Expressionism, function follow form. Many architects in now a days have their own style in designing and creating architectures which their style and form are very complex and futuristic form. Yes, their style is Expressionism. 

Frank Gehry

Frank Gehry is one of the famous architecture who involved in Expressionism period. He is a Canadian American architecture who won Pritzker Prize award. Most of his building become tourist attractions and outstanding in form of futuristic and with a very curvy complex structure that when i firstly saw, I can't imagine how complexity the plan and the structure is. His well known architecture are Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, Walt Disney concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles, Dancing House in Prague and more. 

Disney Concert Hall
Frank Gehry's current home

One thing I like about Frank Gehry's architecture is the way he made his building become outstanding and very attractive from the context around, for example, Dancing House in Prague. This building has a very curvy and unusual shape that twisted like this building were dancing. If you compare this building to the context around, you'll find out how much this building attract you. 

Dancing House

Dancing House and context around

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